"BONE UP on Osteoporosis Patient Management"

November 16 - 17, 2013

Manchester, NH


Safe and Effective Techniques for ALL Ages and Stages
to Enhance Posture and Safety during Occupational Performance

Comprehensive Highly Participatory Workshop
Applications of THE MEEKS METHOD

15 CEU's



   This comprehensive highly participatory workshop focuses on The Meeks Method evidence-based 12 point approach to optimize function through site specific exercises that improve core strength, posture and bone health. Clients of various ages and disabilities will benefit from this S.A.F.E. (Skeletally Appropriate For Everyone) program with applications from infancy to the elderly. Learn management techniques for the treatment of the epidemic of Osteoporosis and low bone mass, with valuable information on prevention and remediation of its detrimental sequelae. Identify this at-risk population in your practice. Learn a site-specific exercise program and methods for postural correction from the inside out to enhance occupational performance. Facilitate positive changes through activity analysis with application of body mechanics and ergonomics to ADL/IADL. The acute vertebral compression fracture protocol will be introduced with pain management techniques. Develop a new postural awareness to protect both yourself and your patients.


Participants will:
1.) Apply The Meeks Method 12 point management program to your patient population.
2.) Learn a specialized evaluation of osteoporosis/osteopenia patients.
3.) Apply the "Patterns of Postural Change" to exercise prescription to halt and/or reverse poor postural patterns from birth to the frail elderly.
4.) Understand normal bone health, osteopenia and osteoporosis and will
recognize people at risk for low bone mass and skeletal fragility at ALL ages.
5.) Learn specific treatment guidelines and a progression of exercise intervention that is S.A.F.E. and effective for all levels of care.
6.) Apply activity analysis/body mechanics/ergonomics to BADL's and IADL's.
7.) Be familiar with a protocol for the management of Acute Vertebral Compression Fractures.
8.)Understand guidelines for safe and unsafe activities and advise patients on their exercise programs at the gym, aerobics classes, senior classes, Pilates, yoga, aquatic therapy, T'ai Chi, etc. 


DAY 1    8:00 - 5:00

Registration: 7:30-8:00 AM

8:00 – 12:00  
Introduction to Osteoporosis
What is Osteoporosis?
The Meeks Method 12 Point Management Program
Epidemiology/Pathology/Bone Morphology/Anatomy
Peak Bone Growth

Who is affected?

Risk Factors – Pre-Assessment Form
     o Non-Modifiable
     o Diseases and Conditions
     o Medications
     o Risk for Fractures at any age
First signs
Bone Mineral Density/DEXA scan
     o T Score , Z score
     o Significance To Bone Strength and Implications For Fracture Risk

Fracture Prevention
     o Common Fracture Sites
           Hip Fractures
           Vertebral Compression Fractures  
               o Contraindicated/Cautionary Movement

Metabolism / Bone Remodeling
     o Bone Quality and Quantity
     o Cortical vs. Trabecular Bone
     o Role of Activity In Bone Health

Optimal Bone Building through the life span- Childhood to Elderly
     o Role of activity in bone health
     o Weight Bearing Exercise-  What it is and is not

Contraindicated/Cautionary Movement during Occupational Performance, ADL/IADL
Patterns of Postural Change©
     o Normal Posture
     o A lifespan of posture –Know the perils
     o Adverse effects of habitual occupational performance 
Restriction , Substitution, Weakness and Other Influences

Postural Correction / Standing Alignment
     o “Alphabet Soup” of  the Body- Practicum
     o Standing Body Alignment – Practicum
     o Core Activation – Practicum

Seating Awareness 
     o Postural Effect On Spinal Load
     o Seated Alignment/Dynamic Seated Alignment
     o Modifications for improved postural support – wheel chairs, baby carriers
     o Sit- to- Stand- to- Sit - Practicum

Bed Positioning
     o Positioning for optimal spinal alignment
     o Side Lying considerations
     o Comorbidities 
     o Methods to get into and out of bed safely - Demonstration/Practicum

Body Mechanics/Work Station Ergonomics Applied to ADL/IADL
     o Principles of Body Mechanics
     o Computer and Activity Workstations - all daily occupations
     o Activity Analysis during occupational performance
     o Habitual Patterns of Movement – changing a habit
     o Key problem areas  that affect optimal alignment    

12:00 - 1:00 PM   LUNCH – On your own

Occupational Performance -5 ADL Workstations – Practicum with partner 
     o Counter/dish washer/laundry
     o Adaptive aides
     o Two-stage Lift
     o Vacuum/sweep/rake
     o Bed Transfer/Log Roll/ Positioning
Observations and Activity Analysis during Occupational Performance
How was your Occupational Performance?

Environmental Modifications
     o  Establishing new movement habits 

Vertebral Compression Fracture
     o Protocol for Acute Compression Fracture Management
     o Bracing

UN-Loaded/Decompression Position  
     o Initial Posture Exercises – Demonstration
     o Positioning - head,  arms, legs
     o Getting to the Floor safely - Log Roll

Site Specific Exercises - Practicum with and without partners
     o Supine Exercises
               Positioning and first 4 exercises- Practicum in Groups of 2 therapists
               Guided site specific exercises - Practicum- Individually
               Breathing Techniques
               Core Muscle Awareness and Activation
Pelvic Floor, “Girdle” Muscle Activation
Wrap Up                                                                                                                                                                                                           

DAY 2   8:00-5:00

7:30 - 8:00 - Networking
8:00 am – 12:00 pm 
Re- Cap  -  Homework – Changed habit 
                 S.A.F.E. Movement  Key Concepts 
Functional Patterns of Occupational Performance 
 o Assessment/ Activity analysis
 o Habit formation
 o Facilitating Change  in Habitual Patterns of Movement
 o Activity Analysis
 o Optimum Movement Patterning -  establishing new movement habits

Evaluating the Osteoporosis Patient
     o Pre-Assessment
     o Osteoporosis Patient Assessment
     o Measurable Goals
     o Functional Outcome Measures
     o Postural Alignment Assessment - groups of 2 – REEDCO Practicum
     o Discussion

Balance and Fall Prevention
 o Normal Ageing and Components of Balance
 o Fall Prevention Strategies
 o Balance Exercises- Practicum

LUNCH  12:00-1:00

Perspectives in Gait Training and Postural Correction 
    o Walking – Practicum
Optimal Bone Building 

     o Nutrition for Optimum Bone Health
     o Pharmaceutical Intervention/Consequences 

Advanced Strengthening Exercises  Practicum
     o Resistance Band - Scapular Stabilization Exercises – foam roll 
     o Abdominal core strengthening - foam roll
     o Prone Exercises

Free Weight Exercises, Gym Guidelines and Other Activities

Putting it together - Case Studies - In-patient / Out-patient


Wrap up/Questions 
Course evaluation form/certificates


Marriott Fairfield, 8 Bell Ave., Hooksett, NH 03106




Sign Up For Upcoming Workshop Information!


 Bone Health 4 U         603-455-8134